What is Physiotherapy?
If you have got this far you will probably know that you want to see a Physiotherapist!

On its website, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy says:
"Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near normal as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability.
As a healthcare profession, Physiotherapy's science foundation covers a broad and varied range of work which involves working with people to promote their own health and well being."

Chartered Physiotherapists study for their degree for 3 years, with assessment diagnosis and treatment being an on-going process throughout those years of study. They then continue to increase their expertise through Continual Professional Development (CPD), attending appropriate courses and conferences.

For further details: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Alison will assess and treat most musculoskeletal and spinal problems and pre- and post-operative joint rehabilitation including Total Knee Replacements (TKR) and Total Hip Replacements (THR).

Where appropriate, she specialises in hands-on treatment to decrease stiffness and increase joint mobility. She follows this by rehabilitation of the soft tissues to re-train the affected muscles. The ultimate aim is then to restore function and regain as normal a movement pattern as possible.

Treatment may also include acupuncture as an adjunct to the above approach. If acupuncture is selected, all patients are screened for contraindications and written consent is obtained prior to treatment.